Unplanned Pregnancy

Are you Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy? 

Life Happens...and we understand. 

Sometimes, you’re just not ready to be a mom, and that’s okay. Maybe your heart tells you to parent your child, but you know your child needs more than you are able to provide. Maybe you’re concerned about Child Protective Services or that your baby will be removed from your care if you are actively using drugs or alcohol during your pregnancy. Or maybe you feel like you have more of your life to live before you take care of another life.

Right now, life might be scary and seem nearly impossible to figure this out, but we are here to remind you that you are stronger than you think. When you are considering the best decision for you and your baby, it is important to know all of your options. The staff at Adoption Circle can help you understand your choices as you face your untimely pregnancy.


Adoption Circle can help Birthparents navigate all of their options.

Adoption Circle’s philosophy is that all children have the right to love, security and nurturing: the groundwork necessary to become a healthy, happy, and productive adults. Adoption Circle realizes that this type of environment may not always be possible if a child remains with his or her birth family. It is the Agency’s belief that birthparents have the ultimate responsibility to make parenting decisions for their children. Adoption should be a parenting decision that birthparents make for their children after considering all of their options, free of pressure and coercion from all potential sources.

We know you and every birthparent that calls us have searched their hearts to make the right decision for their babies. Adoption is a permanent, lifelong decision that requires courage, responsibility, unselfishness, love for yourself, and love for your child.

Adoption Circle is an Ohio-based, state licensed, non-profit adoption agency that believes all parents want to make decisions that are in the best interest of their children. When the choice is adoption, Adoption Circle’s caring and compassionate staff will personally work with you to design your adoption plan. Working together builds trust and comfort - the foundation for a positive adoption experience.

We are proud that our circle stands as a symbol of the lifelong relationship between adoptive and birth families, children, and adoption professionals. Adoption Circle pledges its support to you, wants you to be fully informed, and wants you to know that this decision is yours (and only yours) to make.

At Adoption Circle, our pregnancy counseling is free, nonjudgmental and confidential. We will always treat you with respect and care. Our experienced social workers will discuss the many options that are available to you.

Helpful links for expecting mothers:

You can contact us anytime - Adoption Circle offers 24/7 pregnancy counseling and support. 

Waiting Families

Bharat and Monali
Waiting Family

Dan and Maggie
Waiting Family

David and Amanda
Waiting Family

Titus and Mary
Waiting Family

Jared and Elsa
Waiting Family

Tim and Tyler
Waiting Family

Canon and Jesse
Waiting Family

T.J. and Karen
Waiting Family

Megan and Elizabeth
Waiting Family

Waiting Family

Jason and Lauren
Waiting Family

Adoption Circle

Adoption Circle's team of dedicated professionals are available 24/7 for birthparents and located across Ohio to assist you with your adoption needs.

Our Locations