Meet T.J. and Karen

Hello From our Family

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. We are deeply honored by your courage to consider us as parents to your child. When we married, we knew we wanted to become parents but would not be able to conceive our own. We chose to start this adoption journey, because we knew that the best families are more than genetics, they are formed by devotion and sacrifice.

Karen’s life has been touched in beautiful ways by adoption and knows how perfectly it bonds a family. Her sister Cathy recently adopted her stepson, bringing so much joy to all of us! Her cousin placed a baby in an open adoption, and maintained a close relationship with her. We promise to respect how connected you wish to remain, but we assure you that your child will be loved beyond measure. This is the family we would create, a family formed in love who honors you and will always cherish the selfless gift you gave us.

We are open to raising any child we are blessed with. We live in a multicultural neighborhood, with neighbors and friends already looking forward to raising our child with us. We are fiercely proud of our own heritages and would raise your child to embrace what their own roots are. We were raised in happy homes and want to raise your child to know every good thing we knew.

We will continue to pray for your courage and strength as you discern your options for you and your child. We hope that you have the love and support you need as you continue your own journey. It is our deepest prayer that through our own story, you can see the love we have for each other and the family we would have.

Read our Letter and Family Profile Here...

If you are interested in learning more about T.J. and Karen or would like to have the printed profile mailed to you, contact Adoption Circle. We are here 24/7 for expectant parents considering making an adoption plan.


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Adoption Circle

Adoption Circle's team of dedicated professionals are available 24/7 for birthparents and located across Ohio to assist you with your adoption needs.

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