International Adoption Information

International Adoption Assistance and Information

Adoption Circle has established a long term working relationship with many international adoption agencies.  We have assisted with the adoptive placement of children from China, Russia, Guatemala, Korea, India and Marshall Islands.

Adoption Circle’s International Adoption Program services include:

  • Homestudy Services
  • Pre-Adoption Education
  • Post-Placement Services
  • Referral Source for International Adoption Agencies
  • Educational Materials & Resources

Our program is supervised by a social worker with an expertise in meeting the unique needs of families adopting children through international sources.

No application fee is required.

Frequently Asked Questions about International Adoption:

Can I apply to USCIS before the homestudy is complete?

Yes. Please refer to (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) for guidelines on I-600A submission. The homestudy must be submitted with the I-800A application.


If I live in the Columbus area, where do I apply for I-600A and I-800A?

Please refer to U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services website for guidelines on application for the I-600A and I-800A.

Will I need to get fingerprinted for the homestudy and for USCIS?

Yes. This is the requirement of the state and the government. At this time, the fingerprint checks are not used from the same database.

How long does the homestudy process take?

Approximately 8 weeks from application — depending on client’s completion of adoption paperwork. Timelines can vary.

How long is a homestudy valid in Ohio?

A homestudy is valid for 2 years and expires 2 years from the approval date. If you have a change, such as a change in address, change in family dynamics, etc., you will have to either update your homestudy or have an amendment to your homestudy.

What education is needed?

CPR Certification and online education required. Hague requires 10 hours of education. Attending a seminar(s) or adoption education series on adoption (ex. Children’s Hospital Academy) is strongly recommended.

What are the fees associated with international adoption?

Please refer to our information packet.

Does Adoption Circle facilitate international adoption?

No. Please log on to to research international adoption agencies.

How do I contact the International Adoption Services Coordinator at Adoption Circle?

Please call Pamela Hook at 614-237-7222 or send her an email at


Can a homestudy be updated after expiration date?

No, you will have to complete a full homestudy.

How long is USCIS approval good?

18 months from approval and you must reapply if you have not adopted in that time period. USCIS fingerprints are good for 15 months.

Is Adoption Circle Hague accredited?

No, not at this time.

What is the difference between I-600A and I-800A immigration forms?

I-600A is the Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition (Non-Hague Convention Country).

I-800A is the Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country.

Click here for a list of countries that are parties to the Hague Adoption Convention (also referred to as Convention Countries).

Who can I contact to get the process started?

Please call Pamela Hook at 614-237-7222 or send her an email at


Adoption Circle

Adoption Circle's team of dedicated professionals are available 24/7 for birthparents and located across Ohio to assist you with your adoption needs.

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