Posted on June 06, 2023 by Adoption Circle Staff
June is here and baseball season is in full swing! It’s time to take a look back at May’s events. While it is still technically Spring, it sure feels like summer with all the hot weather we have experienced. As always, Ohio temperatures are unpredictable.
May brought the end of the school year celebrations and graduations! It was so nice celebrating all of Adoption Circle’s graduates. We always love to see “our” children accomplishing their dreams and growing into fine young people.
May also was a time to celebrate Mothers. Open adoption offers families opportunities to celebrate with both birth families and adoptive families. Kate and Leyanna have started the tradition of celebrating Mother’s Day together (a birth mother and an adoptive mother). Both agree that adoption has offered them the opportunity to be the best Mother’s they can be!!
How did you honor your child’s birth mother in May? Some creative ideas to consider throughout the year include sending a recordable storybook, having your school aged child reading the book. What a special gift to receive. Or sending letters from your extended family members or friends. A handwritten letter from the heart from your sister or close friend sharing their perspective of amazing your child. Another creative idea is handprint or footprint art. Checkout Pinterest for cute and seasonal artwork ideas.
In May we had families that finalized their adoptions. Seeing our families grow through adoption is a very special part of the process. If you don’t already follow us on social media, start to do so. You will be able to see our Finalization Friday posts where we showcase our families who finalize. We post several times a month about finalizations, placements and other special events. Check it out!!
With Summer comes family vacations, swimming in the local pool and camping. This article shares many helpful tips to consider while parenting children in the summertime. Summer safety for sun exposure is so very important for little ones.
From the desk of the Birth Parents Director, Kim.
May brought many special celebrations for Mothers and June will bring us Father’s Day and the opportunity to celebrate Fathers! Birth fathers are oftentimes forgotten or an unknown part of the adoption process. How will you explain to your child about his or her biological father? How will you honor or celebrate him next month? Attached is a great article written by an adoptive mother Adoption Circle had the privilege to work with when she and her husband adopted their children. The article is about her search for one of her son’s birth fathers. While she started looking for him to learn more medical information, once they met a relationship grew and they were able to celebrate Father’s Day together. The story is heartwarming and a success. She was very fortunate. What do you Know about your child’s birth father? What can you learn? All good information to consider as Father’s Day draws near.
Looking forward to June and Father’s Day. If you don’t follow us on our social media accounts (FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter)), please do so. We post several times throughout the month! 😊