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Adoption Circle - February Newsletter

Posted on March 07, 2023 by Adoption Circle Staff

Adoption Circle - February Newsletter

We enjoyed February, the shortest month of the year.  We also were happy to have more than one 70 degree day.  We will always welcome the break from the Ohio winter weather 😊. In February we were honored to be able to place babies with their forever families.  One very timely placement occurred.Grandparents visiting from Italy were able to meet their grandchild for the first time. Nothing better than seeing the love a grandparent has for their grandchild.    

 picture of an adoptive child with grandparents

Also, in February we celebrated Valentine’s Day.  We were able to see all the cute photos of all our little Valentines.  This little Valentine is absolutely adorable and the love of her parents’ lives.



February is Black History Month.  The month recognizes and celebrates the achievements of African Americans. It is also a time for recognizing their central role in US history.  Adoption Circle looks to celebrate diversity and accomplishments all year round. Some notable African Americans who have adopted or adoptees are: Al Roker(parent), Nelson Mandela (adoptee), Jamie Foxx (adoptee), Magic Johns(parent) and Viola Davis (parent).  

Tommy Davidson is an African American comedian who was adopted by a Caucasian family.  He is very open about his family, adoption experience and his culture. The following is a link to a short interview where Tommy talks about being adopted, racism and his culture. He talks about his transracial adoption and the love and support he received from his family—especially his mother.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WF5L1aMep4


Collage of Black American Adoptees for Black History Month - Adoption Circle


From the desk of the Birth Parents Director, Kim. 

Open adoption has slowly and steadily become an accepted norm in infant adoption circles. The opportunities that open adoption offers your child can reap many benefits for their identity as they grow. It’s important to remember that the benefits of open adoption are not just for the child. They help all members of the adoption triad — adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents! Initially, many prospective adoptive parents fear open adoption, but there are several reasons you should consider it as you build your family.  The following link is to the article “Why Should You Consider Open Adoption?” https://creatingafamily.org/adoption-category/adoption-blog/why-should-you-consider-open-adoption/

Also a  reminder that the next book club meeting will be March 27th at 7pm.  Two books will be discussed!   Through Adopted Eyes: A Collection of Memoirs From Adoptees and Through Adopted Hearts: A collection of Memoirs From Birth and Adoptive Parents.  We hope you can join the next book club meeting.  Please email Kim@adoptioncircle.org for more details, or to obtain the video link information for the meeting.      

As always we are excited to connect with you.  If you don’t follow us on our social media accounts (FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter), please do so.  We post several times throughout the month! 😊 

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