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Adoption Circle - September Newsletter

Posted on October 04, 2024 by Adoption Circle Staff

Adoption Circle - September Newsletter

September has ended and October is here! We all have busier schedules with school back in session, fall sports activities and end of summer fun. It’s hard to believe that October is bringing parent teacher conferences. An adoptive family shared with us their 4-month-old child’s first “report card” from daycare. We are pleased to report their infant is growing and glowing!! September left us with a bang thanks to hurricane Helene. We are hoping that all the people most impacted by the hurricane have a safe, warm place to stay while their communities recover from the damage.


September was a slow and steady month. We had 2 placements, and one family finalize. We began working with several more expectant parents who have been matched with our waiting families. Do you follow up on social media? If not, please consider doing so. We love to post with pride how we assist parents in growing their families.


Hispanic Heritage Month

September was National Hispanic Heritage month. What a great opportunity to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans. Did you know it was a Hispanic person who invented the color TV, Earthquake sensing technology and the artificial heart! We educate all of our adoptive parents to teach their child about their ethnicity and to be proud of their heritage. Here are some of our Hispanic cuties!!


National Family Day

September brought us National Family Day. National Family Day reminds families to incorporate family activities, meals, and more throughout the week. There are multiple benefits to spending quality time with family and building stronger relationships. This adoptive family chose to spend time this month with their childrens’ biological family. What a gift for their family and the biological family. An open relationship can help a child with their sense of identity and self-confidence.

Looking forward to October…..and Adoption Circle’s annual picnic. We are excited to have a chance to gather and visit with our placed families from the past years. It brings us immense joy to see your children growing and thriving. This year we are having a Halloween themed picnic with costume prizes, face painting and cookie decorating. PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING US on Saturday October 26th. Check your email for all the details. All the AC staff will be dressed in costume, we promise it will be a good time 😊

October also will be bringing HALLOWEEN!!! Look for our social media post so you can share a picture of your little ghoul!!! October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month. On October 18th all of the Adoption Circle staff will be proudly wearing pink to stand with those affected by breast cancer. Check out your local community to see what fund-raising opportunities will be occurring this month. EARLY DETECTION is CRITICAL. Please practice self-care, and remind your loved ones, to complete monthly breast self-exams. October 4th is World Smile Day and October 10th is World Mental Health Day. These are great opportunities to get involved with your community and teach your little ones about supporting others in need.



Prepare yourselves parents!!! (or as teenagers would say “rents”) The trifecta is almost upon up…. We have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all in the next few months. HELP US!!!!! Of the three holidays Thanksgiving if asked would be the favorite. We celebrate our gratitude with family and food. Minimal stress and expectations. But CHRISTMAS…… UGH! We need to make magic. It takes a village. Do you want to be a part of Adoption Circle’s village that is going to make magic for the children of birth parents that have placed this year? Last year we provided filled Christmas stockings and gifts for 17 different families, including special items for birth moms. PLEASE feel free to reach out if you want to be a part of this process. No donation is too small. We are accepting toys, stockings, candy and small comfort items for moms. Donations of time, cash or items are all valuable. Please reach out to kim@adoptioncircle.org to explore how you can make some magic this holiday season. You can also DONATE at any time.

We are looking forward to seeing what the month of October brings. If you don’t already feel free to follow us on social media. FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter

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Adoption Circle's team of dedicated professionals are available 24/7 for birthparents and located across Ohio to assist you with your adoption needs.

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