We know you and every birthparent who calls us has searched their heart to make the right decision for their baby. Adoption is a permanent, lifelong decision that requires courage, responsibility, unselfishness and love of yourself and your child.
Adoption Circle's caring and compassionate staff will personally work with you to design your adoption plan. Working together builds trust and comfort, the foundation for a positive adoption experience.
Choosing a family for your baby is very important to you, and we want you to feel very comfortable with your choice and decision.
Our waiting families have prepared bios with photos and information about them and their family so you can begin to get familiar with them. Adoption Circle is here for you, to answer any questions and guide you through the process if you decide to choose adoption.
Adoption Circle realizes the difficulties in trying to adopt today. We are experienced in working with families that have been on the emotional roller coaster of infertility.
If you choose to adopt, Adoption Circle can guide you through the process so that you approach adoption in an educated and positive manner. Adoption Circle can help you through the entire process or facilitate individual programs.
Happy March! We had a busy February around Adoption Circle. Read our latest newsletters to hear all about Valentine's Day, placements and words of wisdom from our birth parent services director!
Happy February! January around Adoption Circle was filled with holiday celebrations, finalizations and placements. Read our latest newsletter to keep up with us and see resources for empathizing with expectant mothers during the Adoption process.